Some Interesting Facts About Bionic Bodies

Bionic is a term used for complete replacement body part systems.An alternative to taking parts from other bodies is to make completely artificial ones.

An example of this is the battery-powered “Utah Arm” that moves in response to the owner’s thoughts.Its movements are controlled by a computer that responds to muscle twitches in the stump of the owner’s real arm.

Artificial Organs

While hiding from the Nazis in World War II, Dutch doctor Willem Kolff made the first artificial organ – an artificial kidney – from old sausage skins, orange juice cans, and an old washing machine.

Artificial kidney machines are very big and patients must sit still while connected to them.Scientists are now developing an artificial kidney that will fit inside the body.Now, it is called dialysis machine

Doctors are testing artificial retinas for blind people.The patient has glasses fitted with a tiny camera that feeds its picture to the new retina, which sends the picture to the brain.


Artificial replacement body parts are called prosthetics.

For centuries, prosthetic limbs were just things like wooden legs.

Now, using special materials like titanium and Kevlar, scientists make sophisticated prosthetic limbs.

In 2004, a dolphin in Japan was given a prosthetic fin.

In 2002, American Jesse Sullivan was fitted with the first bionic arm, which he could control using his chest muscles.The bionic arm detects movements in the chest muscle, which is connected to nerves that once went to the real arm.

Rudy Garcia-Tolson

Even though he had both legs amputated above the knee when he was five, teenage athlete Rudy Garcia-Tolson plays football and swims.He even runs on the track.

Rudy Garcia-Tolson wears different prosthetic legs for sports and for everyday.

Rudy’s legs don’t look real, but they are made of carbon fiber that bends, springs, and absorbs shock just like real legs.

He won a swimming gold medal at the 2004 Paralympics at the age of just 15.

Bionic Body Parts The Future

Scientists believe that one day they will be able to make replacements for just about every body part except the brain.

In the future, more and more bionic parts will be linked directly into the brain, so that they can be controlled by thought alone.

Some new body parts will be made of special materials that are even tougher than natural ones.

Tiny computers may be implanted into your brain to help you think.

These are good news to people who need new body parts.The only problem is, those who can afford are only those who have lots of money to pay for whatever body parts they need.

Article Written by Aileen P N

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